Sunday, June 04, 2006

Blogrolls - لائحة المدونات

لقد مرت عدة شهور منذ آن جددت لائحة المدونات. لو آراد آحدكم آن يساعدني آو آن يدرج مدونته آو الإشتراك كمساهم الرجاء الإتصال بي.

اهلا و سهلا بالجميع

It's been a few months since I've updated the blogroll. If any of you would like to help me update it, or to add their blog, or to join as a contributor then please get in touch.

Ahlan wa sahlan to all of you.


UAE ALIAS said...
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BuJ said...


welcome to the community... where all languages are welcome, even those from frogistan :)

i've given you editing rights, so u can add yourself to the blog roll and maybe even update it, coz as you can see i'm extremely lazy!

narjo an nara minki al mazeed, wal salam...

BuJ said...

gmj i'm sending u an invitation as we type!

welcome to our ranks :)

Dr Hassan Dawood said...

أرجو إضافتي إلى قائمة المساهمين

eastechoswestrythms said...

Hi I would like to be on the blog role=)

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

Khaled Zamer said...

Hi, I would like to be added to your list.

Anonymous said...

So many people come to Dubai for a vacation or to look for business opportunities and for some it is a great chance.But one should also look at the other side and foreigners and expatriates should be cautious when dealing with the UAE elite.Dealing with the west on an everday basis and needing western investors and workers in their country,many of them despise western ways and traditions deep inside,living a lifestyle deeply rooted in a very conservative Islam while at home.But when they are abroad lots of these men have extramarital affairs with western woman and throw huge parties with drinks etc.. often not telling the western girls of their marriage and children
One perfect bad example is the Habtoor family there,a business tycoon in the UAE.I had the chance to get a very close insight into their doings over the years.Ther was the story with Tarek Habtoor,the son of one of the Habtoor sons born out of wedlook to a British affair.
The boy was held in Dubai for years,although a British court had ruled custody to the mother.The mother and her British husband were threatened to leave Dubai and not to take the boy with them.The boy is finally reunited with his mother today after having fled his billionaire father last year for the UK.
And it is rumoured that even the old Al Habtoor was involved in a very ugly story regarding a western lady and so far has shown no respect towards her or her family and no effort to make up for the wrong done.

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